What Makes Me Keep Going

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Time for Some Real Change!

Today I am going to write about my job.

I work in special needs trust, but I work for an organization that does so much more than that. (check it out www.arcind.org) The Arc of Indiana advocates for people with disabilities and even more important (in my, oh so humble opinion) facilitate ways for people with disabilities to advocate for themselves. On top of that, The Arc is trying to help the state find ways to improve services and supports for people living with disabilities.

I go to work everyday and work for a cause that I believe in with every fiber of my being. How many people can say that honestly? I don't have a child with a disability. I got involved because I worked with a couple ladies who needed some assistance in their home when I was in college. These women inspired me. They made their lives meaningful and happy, despite any hurdles they came across, so what excuses could I possibly have.

Today was our annual conference. One of those ladies was in attendance. She was telling me how she no longer just goes to work, but she is an artist and making money off the art she creates. All because she didn't let someone tell her she couldn't have a dream.

But I will tell you what lights a fire in me...people who think they can take advantage. People who feel like they have to find a "solution" for "these people." People who have no respect for these folks as fellow citizens. The state decision makers need to step up. They need to look at the current situation in our state. They need to understand there is a difference in being alive and being able to really live.

Over the next couple years, big decisions are going to have to be made in the state of Indiana. Think about that anytime you visit the polls!

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