What Makes Me Keep Going

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Muffin Pizzas - MMM!

Who doesn't like pizza? Who all likes the exact same kind of pizza? Not as many hands raised on that one. Problem solved. Muffin pizzas! Pizzas made in a muffin pan that each person can top as they like!

I found the picture on Pinterest, but there was no recipe or how to, so I thought I would put one out there...and here we go!

First you will need:
a can of pizza crust - I use the Walmart brand, but I'm sure Pillsbury is just as good
mozzarella cheese
pizza sauce of your choice - I make a semi-homemade, but spaghetti sauce out of a jar would work I'm sure
any toppings of your choice - for this blog, I'm using only pepperoni (picky family)
muffin pan
pizza cutter

You will notice I shop at Aldi. I do that to save money. I suggest it to everyone. 

Okay so for step 1:
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and then unroll your pizza dough and use the pizza cutter to cut it in 12 semi equal squares.

Step 2: Put each square in a portion of the muffin pan.

Step 3: Add your sauce. I put a small spoonful in each one. 

Step 3: Add your toppings (minus your pepperoni) and cheese. 

Step 4: Add your pepperoni. I put two slices on each one. Then put in the oven for 13-15 minutes. And you get:


I think I am going to whip some of these up for the Super Bowl. What kind of toppings would your family use?

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Howdy strangers! Whew! Finally! The holidays are over, everything is put away, and we are back into the swing of "normal" life. Except for today, when I am laying in bed with a crippling headache yet bored out of my mind. Which how I have found time to write this blog.

So what to write about...how about the newest craze...Pinterest!

Who doesn't love Pinterest? You can go online, view cool stuff that other people have done, and try to figure it out for yourself. Or you can pin it to a board where it will be a remind of your failure to do anything or have time to do anything. Either way it is a great way to spend an afternoon. Seriously, a whole afternoon, you can get lost in it for hours!

Now, while I know there are things on my board I will NEVER have time to do, but I am making an effort to do a few things. My future plan is to add successful items to my blog :) Be on the look out for homemade baby wipes and rainbow cake..two things that I have done successfully so far.

Something Pinterest has revealed to me about myself is that I love doing stuff for my family. Making cleaning supplies at home, cooking from scratch, making paint for the bathtub...all these things while not the easiest way or maybe even necessary bring me joy. It's become my hobby. Pinterest allows me to do these things without spending a lot of time trying to come up with ideas or searching the internet for hours.

So pin-on fellow Pinterest-ers! I'll be watching.

P.S. You can follow me on Pinterest here: http://pinterest.com/bdavis1984/