What Makes Me Keep Going

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Taking a Stand...By Sitting Down

Since my husband started his new job a couple months ago, life has been go go go, and as you can tell by my blog posts, it has been quite the adjustment. Everyone said "You need to relax more." I kept thinking, "Seriously how do you expect me to do that?!?!"

Here is how:

Right now in my kitchen there is ketchup drying on little divided plates. The laundry room is completely quiet. There are baby toys strategically laying over every square inch of the living room. My kids went to bed at 8 with a small stack of books each. And me? I'm laying on the couch in my favorite sweats, eating food that is sure to go straight to my hips, watching a "Big Bang Theory" marathon, and blogging.

Now the next paragraph are going to be my feelings. To the people to have been telling me this for over a month...yea yea yea, you told me so.

I love my kids. They are amazing. I would do anything for them. I want them to have an amazing life. I want them to be well rounded and awesome. However, I can't do anything for them stretched so thin. So if for one night (and only one, I can't allow it for two) all the dinner dishes sit in the sink, so be it. My kids deserve a mommy that is well rest and not cranky. So even if I can't convince myself to rest for me, I can do it for them.

So tonight, I'm standing up against the voice in my head that says "Your bathroom needs a good scrubbing." I put my self in time out, on my comfy overstuffed couch.

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