What Makes Me Keep Going

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ever had a slump turn into a rut? Starts out having a bad day, then it quickly turns into a bad week or weeks. This happens to me from time to time. It starts with something small, and snowballs out of control. This time it was a car accident. I have some back injuries from it and it is causing me to not be able to go through my daily routine. This for me is just...beyond hard. I am the type of person who need routines to function. I make list. I make plans. I keep multiple calendars to get it all done. When I can't keep to those routines I get upset. I feel like a failure. I get the "blues". (I don't like to throw around the word depressed. I have been depressed and feeling a little sad is in no way the same thing.) And how many people when they are feeling down and out feel like doing anything? So the routine gets left behind, and with three kids..well there is a mess to deal with and quite frankly now it is a problem that is out of control.

So once you are ready to move forward how do you overcome the mountain of things you have let go? How do you get back up and move forward? When I was younger and it was just me, it was easier. Get up, clean up the house I shared with a roommate, go to work. Now as a "grown-up" with a full-time job, a husband, and three beautiful little girls, it is harder. Usually my husband realizes enough is enough, and says "Come on babe, we're better than this. I will help." He helps as we clean the house, take care of the kids, do laundry, and usually at this point I need a really hot shower. When it's all done, I can sit down with my calendar and rethink things, and be ready to go the next day.

Sometimes I wonder, what would I do if he weren't here to help me pick up the pieces? What if I had to do it all alone? There was a period in Josh & I's marriage where we weren't sure we could stay together forever...and then I tried to picture my life without him. It was a mess! He loves me so much and takes care of me like no one else. I hope he feels the same way about me.

So this blog went a totally different direction than I had planned, but that last little bit, the part about how amazing my husband is...might help me get up off the couch.

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