What Makes Me Keep Going

Monday, September 19, 2011

..and then the bottom fell out.

So as much as I would love to pretend I always have it together, let's be honest, no one ALWAYS has it together.

Here is the current picture:

  1. I was in a car accident a couple weeks ago. I had some muscle pain but I pushed forward. Well now I am in some SERIOUS pain.
  2. My youngest (7months) has had a hacking cough for two weeks and is on meds. She also has an earache. 
  3. My middle child (3 years) threw up OUT OF NO WHERE all over the living room. To make this situation even better we were on the way out the door to take my oldest (5 years) to school. 
  4. Because of #1 my house is a disaster. Yesterday's dinner of pot roast mess is still all over the dining room and kitchen. Piles of clean (waiting to be folded) and dirty laundry are everywhere. The level of clutter is similar to what New Orleans looked like after Katrina. 
So, in addition, my wonderful babysitter who I love is also having a rough day. Her 4 year old is sick (probably because of my youngest). So I stayed home today with my sickly children, and my disgusting house. I'm going to be very transparent here, I'm overwhelmed. Normally I would NEVER admit this, and you know why? Because woman are not suppose to get overwhelmed. We are suppose to perfectly balanced in every part of our lives. We are suppose to have our hair done, our make up perfect, and be stylish, all while having a "rewarding career" which includes climbing the corporate ladder; have a clean, warm, and well decorated home; have children that you spend mounds of time with, that are well rounded, well behaved, and always polite; and be the ideal member of the PTO and my church. You know what....it isn't possible EVERY SINGLE DAY. And it isn't possible ALONE. Sometimes you have to let something go. 

Now I don't follow my own advice. I'm so afraid of dropping the ball, of people thinking I can't handle things (including my husband - although I know he loves me and supports me in whatever - even if that support ends at helping clean the kitchen) that I go without meals, I go without sleep, and always push forward to make everything look perfect and effortless. But here is the problem with that...you can do it...for awhile. And then, the bottom falls out. And you end up sitting in the middle of your disgusting house, with you sickly children, watching the ninth episode of "Jake & The Pirates" on Disney Junior, using a blog as your therapy because you have no time for real therapy. 

Today, at some point, I will take enough pain meds to not even feel my toes. I will get up and clean this home before the health department comes. I will get to the grocery store. I will do the laundry. I will spend time with the kids. I will make them a good dinner. I will possibly take a shower. I will take a muscle relaxer for my back and go to bed. Tomorrow it is back to the perfect balance. 

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