What Makes Me Keep Going

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Because I Didn't Have Enough Going On...

So today was a big deal for me. A new business venture! I don't know if it is a new business actually, but honestly more of a ministry. And I'm not going to go into here, but you can click here to see the Christian Marriage Gone Wild blog.

What I am writing about is adding more stuff to the plate...should I or shouldn't I? I have come up with a new way to figure it out.

1. Pray about it.
God has ways of letting you know whether or not you should do something, and if you are a Christian you should be seeking to follow his will regardless.

2. Pros/Cons
Am I jumping over a bunch of cons to get to one pro? And if I am, is it worth it?

3. Discuss with spouse.
If you are married, you can't add something to the family plate without talking it out. That can lead to all kinds of issues. Make sure you are both on the same page. Be fair and give them time to pray about it too, because that is what a good Christian spouse should want to do.

4. Have a plan. Is this truly possible?
Make a plan, and then look at it again. Is this something you can really do? Do you have the time and resources?

If you go through these steps, you should be able to see pretty quickly if adding something is the right thing to do for your family. And if it is...well...add it to the heap!

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