What Makes Me Keep Going

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Let's Start Again - Short Sale Sadness

So it has been almost a year since I last posted a blog. When I started this blog, I had high hopes of doing it at least weekly, and using it as a place to channel my frustrations and semi-comedic rants on being a mother of three crazy kids and a traveling husband. However, the title of this blog is no joke. So I fell behind. Well long story short, I'm recommitting myself!

Why now you may ask? Did you schedule lessen? No, not at all. In fact, I am currently receiving a million kisses and cups of tea from my two year old, emptying my DVR, writing this blog, and entering Girl Scout cookies orders (because I'm the cookie mom of course). Actually, the reason is, we are buying a house. If you have been through this, you know it can be frustrating and extremely taxing on your patience.But then you add in the short sale. Short sale is the exact opposite of how it sounds. It's actually a long drawn out process that makes NO sense. Let me lay out the situation, so you can see why a written outlet is needed.

A short sale is actually when a seller is selling their home for less than they owe and the bank is going to write off the difference between what is paid and what they owe. Because of this, the bank holding the mortgage has to approve the sell. And this is where everything comes to a screeching halt. We had an accept offer from the seller in October. It is now the end of January, and I'm not sure we are a ton closer. A couple times we have been told "only four more weeks" but those four weeks have come and gone and here we are. Our realtor (Shout out to Linda McClure at Prudential in Fishers) has been patient and understanding of our frustrations and tries to update us as quickly as possible about changes. But since the house is located in the neighborhood across the street from where we are currently living, I find myself driving by and looking at it on a regular basis.

Why stick it out if it is so horrible might be your next question. Well - it is an amazing house at an amazing price. Wait, let's be honest - it is our amazing dream house. When I drive by the clouds part, light directly from heaven shines on the house, and once I'm pretty sure angels sang. It is actually more than we ever dreamed we could afford or have, It is a direct blessing from God. That is what I have to remind myself every second that this is why the waiting is worth it.

In the meantime, I'm filling my life with the normal out of control schedule of Girl Scouts, church, homework, my 9-5, date night, replacing Barbie heads and the like. I try to take the advice of my friends and remember this is just a small amount of time in the grand scheme of our family together.

Does anyone else have moving stories to share? I cannot be alone!

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